Monday, May 23, 2011

Our Life | Boxed In

All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another." -Anatole France

Anatole couldn't have said it better. "Lasts" are required to usher in "firsts." I know that many beginnings are just around the bend for [ED], but it's a little hard to swallow that some things are ending. It's bittersweet--more sweet than bitter, but in the moment I think we typically feel more bitter than sweet. This past weekend I ([E]) packed up all my belongings that have accumulated over the last 6 years and took it to my parents' house in the SCV.  It's my last week in Long Beach, and I really FEEL it--tears, longing looks down familiar streets, and yeah--more tears. [ED] dreams of potentially living in the LBC one day, but for now--we hold our hands open to whatever God has for us next. 

The bright side: The next time I get a U-Haul, it will be to load up my stuff into a place where my husband (come October 15th--whoa!) and I will be able to call our first home. Holy mackerel.

* Eyes closed, deep exhale, big smile breaks across my face*

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Friends| Becca & Nimble

Plain and simple. [ED] loves Becca.

[E] here.
Becca has been my roommate, a soul sister, and a forever friend.
Becca was one of [D]'s accomplices during the proposal-planning time, and they're so
sibling-like--it's kind of awesomely strange.

Becca= Lovable. Loving. Alive. Warm. Passionate. Creative. Beautiful. Inspiring. And that's just naming a few. She also has a knack for words. You can check her story-telling out here.

Nimble= Her adorable bike. She adopted Nimble from me--too big for me. Just right for her.


When I think of Long Beach and what it's meant to me, she is one of the first faces that comes to mind. And when I leave Long Beach, she is going to be one of the souls I will miss the most. Thank you for coloring our lives so.

Our Life| Robbed.

I'm [E] currently packing up my room to get ready for the big move. [D] came over the other night, and I was venting about how my room is a place of chaos, and he just pulled me in for a hug and said, "No, it's just a place of reformation." Although it was hard to admit that his perspective was way more spot on than mine, I knew that if I didn't, I would be guilty of the following:

With every additional year we gain under our belts, we either continue to grow or we'll find ourselves saying, "No." The older we get, the more set in our ways we become--the more we fear change. It's in these times that looking into the face of a child--into his demeanor and remembering the beauty of being teachable. That child allows investments to make their way into his life by being open to learning--to growth. Those of us who lose the ability to do so are robbed.

Today's Photo Reminder:

Stay teachable.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Our Life | Beauty in Chaos

This picture kind of sums up this season in our lives. I'm [E] graduating, ending a job that I love, and leaving a city I've considered home for 6 years. [D] is working full time, using his car as extra storage before we move out of our separate dwelling places and merge into one, and helping me plan a wedding. As [ED], we're learning to transition well--to hold on when possible and to let go when necessary. 

In the midst of transitions, it's easy to think that everything is chaotic.
It's always more difficult to remember what's beautiful.


1. Slow down.
2. Stop.
3. See the beauty.
4. Repeat as often as possible!

"All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on."
-Henry Ellis

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Friends| We Get Crafty!

[E] here.
These shots were taken from a craft day a while ago.
I have talented friends; there's no denying that one.

Neck Cozy a la Kelly

Magazine Coasters a la Becca.

And here's Whitney making some awesome wall decor for her and her hubby's new home:

Kiddos | Selah and Sophia

Our friend Katy is a supermom.
These are her super kids.
Aren't they just the cutest?!

The littles at the beach:

Look. at. that. spunk!

No wonder she loves being a mom! :D

E-Session | Caley & Jordan

They met 6 years ago.

His DJ-ing tunes have made their way to her heart.
Her easy-going demeanor has won him over.

Now, they're getting married.

So excited for you guys! August couldn't come sooner! 

You'll be seeing these two again in a few months :D. 

Graduation | Natalie

Old roomie [E's].
Always friend.
Good times.
Happy Graduating!

E-Session | Becoming the Robies

We did a quick engagement shoot for our friends Nicole and Ben while we were in Central Park.
Dreamy. Just Dreamy.

These two will get hitched this coming August :).

Monday, May 16, 2011

Our Life | New York City

A quick trip to the Big Apple = Some snapshots to share.

I want to go back...
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